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6th grade

Check this page weekly to ensure that you have everything ready for your next computer class. This will help you get the most out of the coursework and also to be prepared to get your work done in class on time.

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Welcome to 6th Grade

TypingWeb log in. Click on log in at the top right. Enter your username (first letter of your first name, your last name and your library number) and password (Library number and 000)

Typingweb self join link:

New: Please log into your gmail accounts to access Google Classroom;


208: Your classroom code is 2qdg7qg

209: Your classroom code is jmhdqf4

210: Your classroom code is gvspb4f

I will be communicating with you via this method.

November 4, 2024 (week 9)
Country Project Research (about 5 weeks)

Students will start class by typing for 10 minutes. They will go to the typingweb page and log in to their accounts with the account information they have been supplied. They will practice their skills for about 10 minutes. They will be observed for correct finger positioning which will be reflected in their participation grade. I prefer that the student type slower initially but learn correct positioning. Speed will come with time and practice.

Students will be conducting research for the country PowerPoints for the next few weeks. All of the research for the project will be conducted in computer class using an electronic format. All websites used to gather information will be cited immediately using the website, link is below.

Let's start by creating a country research folder. I'd like this to be in your sixth grade folder in the country report folder. Now download the worksheet we will use to fill in all the necessary information. This can be found in the handout folder. Please put this in the newly created country research folder. Open it from here.

Below are links to the sites we will use for our research:

CIA World Fact Book - This is the best site! Use this first.
Encyclopedia of Nations- Click on the continent your country is in and then scroll down and click on your country. I found info on here about size, location, money (denominations), ethnics groups (with percentages), holidays, climate, languages, religions, political parties, economy, industry, domestic trade, foreign trade, education, famous people,... Great info! This is one of the best sites!
Discovery Education – use for video selection. To download a video, click on the download option and select the high quality. Once the video loads and opens in a new window, ‘control + click’. This will give you the option to save the video as an mp4 file onto the desktop by clicking on ‘save video as’ to their desktop.
Ethnicity and Race - Great site for ethnicity and race including percentages!
Google Language Translator Type the word you'd like to translate and copy and paste both the word and the translation into your worksheet
Religious Statistics by Country - great info including percentages
GeographyIQ – click on the starting letter of your country on the left for a complete list of countries and excellent information
Countries of the World
Currency Converter
National Anthems
If It Were My Home
- interesting facts 

​Instructions for using website:

Once you have clicked on the, select ‘I only want to create citation’. Next, select ‘MLA’ from the top choices. You must select ‘website’ from the next set of choices at the top (it defaults to journal). Paste your web address (URL) into the box where it says ‘find a website by url or keyword’. Click on select when the result appears. Review what the bibme tool could not find and click on ‘final step’. You will now have to go to the website you are siting and fill in any available missing information. Click on ‘create’ once you have filled in all the available information. You will copy and paste this citation into your worksheet.


The First Christmas on Facebook

January 7, 2025 (week 14)
Corrections to research
Video Selection

To download a video, click on the download option and select the high quality. Once the video loads and opens in a new window, ‘control + click’. This will give you the option to save the video as an mp4 file onto the desktop by clicking on ‘save video as’ to their desktop.

Students will go to the Google United Streaming site. They will sign in using their google email and password. In the search term area, type their search term and select DE streaming under services and video segment under media. Students will search for a 1 minute video that pertains to their country. Once they've found their video they will need to set preferences for downloading. To download a video, click on the download option and select the high quality. Once the video loads and opens in a new window, ‘control + click’. This will give you the option to save the video as an mp4 file onto the desktop by clicking on ‘save video as’ to their desktop.

If they don't fulfill their requirements, they can put it in the trash and try for a different one. Once they've decided on the video they will insert into their PowerPoint presentation, they will place it in their country report folder.

Copy MLA citation:
Once the video has been downloaded, don't forget to go back to United Streaming to copy the citation for the video. Click on the 'details' tab on the top left and copy the MLA citation into your research worksheet.

January 15, 2025 (Week 15)
Editing Video in iMovie
Finish corrections to research

Open iMovie from your dock. Click on 'import media'. You will select desktop, your downloaded endangered animal video and click on 'import selection. Next to the search bar, click on the gear looking icon to 'adjust thumbnail appearance'. Scroll it to the right to change your zoom to about 5 seconds.

Use the spacebar to start and stop your video to view it. You will have to place brackets around the segment you will select for the part you will be inserting into your project. To place opening brackets, use the letter 'I'. For closing brackets, you will use the letter 'O'. Your final video should be about 1 minute long. You will click on 'mark' in the tool bar and select 'favorite'. You will see a green line appear above the part you have selected.

Once you have selected the part of the video you would like, drag it into your timeline (bottom).

To download edited video, select 'file' in the iMovie tool bar, click on 'share', select 'file', click on next, Name your movie clip and select 'desktop', and 'save'. There will be a circle icon in the top right of the iMovie app 'show activity' that will show you the progress of your download.

Once your movie has finished downloading, please put it into your Country Report folder in you user volume.


January 24, 2025 (Week 16)
PowerPoint presentation (5 weeks) Took 7 weeks!

Students will start class by typing for 10 minutes. They will go to the typingweb page and log in to their accounts with the account information they have been supplied. They will practice their skills for about 10 minutes. They will be observed for correct finger positioning which will be reflected in their participation grade. I prefer that the student type slower initially but learn correct positioning. Speed will come with time and practice.

Students will be inputting their research on their chosen countries in to a PowerPoint presentation. We will complete 3 to 4 slides each class period. It is important for the students to keep up and not fall behind on this project. Presentations will start the second week of May.

Students may come to the lab in the mornings after 8:15 or stop by the lab for a lunch recess pass in the morning before the start of classes if they need additional time to work on their projects.

Please do not fall behind on this!!!

March 12, 2025 (Week 21)
PowerPoint presentation corrections and making notes  (1 week)


March 20, 2025 (Week 22)
Presenting Country PowerPoint projects

Updated November 4, 2024

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