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8th grade

Check this page weekly to ensure that you have everything ready for your next computer class. This will help you get the most out of the coursework and also to be prepared to get your work done in class on time.


TypingWeb log in. Click on log in at the top right. Enter your username (first letter of your first name, your last name and your library number) and password Library number and 000)


Typingweb self join link:


New: Please log into your gmail accounts to access Google Classroom;


211: Your classroom code is l73tjsm

212: Your classroom code is ylpg2u7

213: Your classroom code is 73roja4


I will be communicating with you via this method

December 5, 2024 (week 12)
iMovie Project, Part 3 (4 weeks)

You will be logging on as either student1 (room 211), student2 (room 212) or student3 (room 213) while working on your imovie project.

Finish videoing uploading/downloading, airdropping pictures, viewing instructional videos. 

To upload video recording: 


Find your video on your iPad in your camera roll. Select it. Click on the rectangular icon (upload icon) with the arrow on top. There will be a list of ways to upload or share your video. Select 'more'. Turn on Google drive and click on done in the top right. Now select Google Drive and click on upload. It will take about 5 minutes for your video to upload into Drive.

Once it has finished uploading, you will need to download it onto your desktop and finally insert it into iMovie. This video will need to be shared with your partner. Select it in your google drive (on your computer), click on the share icon in the top right (the one with the + sign and the icon of a person), type your partner's email address and click on done. The movie will be shared in your partner's shared drive.

Next, you will both have to download it to the desktop of your computer. Click on the download icon and select 'save', NOT open with Quick Time. Let it finish downloading completely before opening it to view it. We do not want to corrupt the file. Put the video into your iMovie folder where the pictures are too.

Create an iMovie folder. I'm okay with you leaving this on your desktop.

We will airdrop the pictures you used in your storyboarding to each other. Turn on your WiFi on your desktop. Open a finder window and click on airdrop in the left navigation bar. Make sure you are visible by 'everyone' - this is in blue at the bottom of the window. Your partner's computer number should appear in the finder window if he/she also is on airdrop (and wifi is on). Drag the required pictures onto his/her computer icon. Your partner will have to click on accept when the files appear. Click on download in your navigation bar and your picture will be there. Put it into your iMovie folder.

Creation of iMovie

Open iMovie from your application folder if it is not in your dock. It is the Purple Star icon. Drag it into your dock so that it is easier to access consecutive classes.

Click on file (main tool bar) and new movie. Do not select a theme, name your project, and click on 'OK'. You may also select new movie by clicking on the + icon on your project screen. (FYI: to select a theme, you would click on 'window' in the main tool bar and select theme).

The top portion of your iMovie is called the event. It is also the project you titled it as. The bottom portion of your iMovie is called the timeline. The window in the top right is your preview window.

Click on 'import' in the event part of your project and find your video clip. In top of the window, click on the bar and name your video (event). You may also import by clicking on the downward facing arrow in the top left of your iMovie screen. Do not forget to name the file. This will import into your 'event' at the left.

Here is a short video on how to green screen:

You can start editing your video by playing it (use the space bar to start and stop the video), selecting parts to keep and parts to delete. Work one ‘scene’ at a time. You will use the 'I' and 'O' keys to bracket each scene. Once you’ve selected the first clip of your video, click on ‘mark’ in your main tool bar and select 'favorite', which will show a green line in your event. You will select 'reject' for the parts that you need to edit out, these will show as red line in your event. This will mark your clip so that you know what you need to insert into the picture in your timeline. You will also mark each scene with a 'mini' reject. This will allow you to drag each portion of your video into the correct scene.


Drag your first picture into the timeline (bottom of screen). You will have to adjust the length of the pictures so they are slightly longer than your video clips. You do this by dragging it. You may want to adjust your ‘setting’ in the middle on the right so that you can view your entire work. Select either Ken Burns, fit or crop to adjust your picture as needed. Remember to click on the check mark at the right to accept any changes you have made. 

You will drag your first video clip (first scene) into the timeline above the first picture. Click on 'adjust' to open up the toolbox (color balance, color correction, wrapping, volume, noise reduction equalizer, adjust speed of clip, add to project, video audio effect, and clip in motion) if you are using version less than 10.1. Otherwise the toolbar will already be open. If you change anything, you must click on the check mark on the right side of the toolbar to save your changes.

To Crop Video:

If you need to crop your video because you need to cut out the sides, click on the video and select 'crop' in the tool bar at the top right. You must click the blue check mark to accept changes.
With the video selected, select the blue square icon in the toolbar. It defaults to 'cutaway'. Click on it and select the 'green/blue screen' option. You should also adjust the 'softness' tool at this point. It is usually in the center of the bar.

I would wait to make any adjustments to the clip until the pictures have been inserted and you see the results of the layering.

Repeat with all the pictures and your video clips (scenes). You will need a minimum of 4 scenes as in your storyboarding.

You may use the setting scroll bar (middle right below the preview window) to adjust the zoom of your timeline.

Ken Burns Effect (required on 2 slides)
I'd also like you to use the 'Ken Burns' effect on at least two of your pictures. It is found under the 'crop tool' in your tool bar on the right above the preview window. This option either zooms out or zooms in on the still giving a 'moving' effect. You must click on the check mark on the right side of the toolbar to save your changes.

Title/Credit Slide (1 title, 1 credit required)
You will need to add two title slides, one for the beginning (title) and one at the end for the credits. These options are to the top left of the event. You can hover over each optional title to view the animation. Drag it into your timeline when you've decided upon which one to use. Click on the tool box options to add text and adjust font, color, size, centering...

You must click on the check mark on the right side of the toolbar to save your changes.

Transitions (5 required)
You will also be responsible for adding transitions between the title, each picture and the credit slide. These options are to the top left of the event. Drag it into your timeline between the pictures when you've decided upon which one to use. You can adjust the length of each transition as needed by double clicking on it in the timeline. The transition control appears and you can type in the number of seconds you would like. You may either click on 'apply', ‘apply to all’, or click on 'return' to accept the change. Remember, you can use the space bar to start and stop the video to view it.

Sound Effects (2 required)

I would also like you to add in 2 different sound effects. These options are to the left of the event. Click on the arrow on the left to listen to the sound. Be aware that it can be shortened as needed. Drag it into your timeline when you've decided upon which one to use right under your pictures or title slide. You will see the bar with the 'note' symbol. You can adjust the length of each sound as needed. Remember, you can use the space bar to start and stop the video to view it.

Here is a link to additional tutorials for adding the different effects to your iMovie:

- 1:50 - 8:00: Themes, start (I) & stop (O) marks on video
- 12:00 13:20: volume adjustment
- 13:30 - 14:10: fade audio
- 14:30 - 15:00: iPhoto, Ken Burns
- 15:50 17:40, 18:35 - 18:50: audio imports, fade music
- 19:00 - 20:35: transitions
- 22:55 - 23:25: backgrounds (title slides), use with text
- 23:35 - 26:52 (skip white balance) 27:30 -29:50: editing for skin tone balance and color correction
- 29:50 - 32:45: crop: fill, fit, Ken Burns
- 33:20 - 33:45: noise reduction and equalizer
- 34:45 - 35:34: special effects
- 35:50 - 36:25, 36:40 38:55: audio effects and voice over
- 39:05 - 41:20: titles
- 44:35 - 46:05: Share, use 'file'


Final week for iMovie projects will be your computer class concluding on February 1, 2024. You will let me know once your projects are complete and I will log onto your computer to grade it. (we will confirm you computer numbers when you inform me you are ready for grading).

Complete New Year's Letter Mail Merge Project


Students typed a New Year's letter to their relatives/friends. The letter will be a synopsis about events from last year and possibly include information about events they are looking forward to in 2024. Ideas on what to write 3 body paragraphs about include: summer vacations, sports/clubs, high school, Washington trip, science fair, upcoming special events,...


Students will follow the format of the sample letter attached in Google Classroom. The will start out by typing 'Dear', leaving the salutation part empty as this is where we will be adding a mail merge. They will need an opening paragraph with 2 - 3 sentences. There are 3 body paragraphs which are 7 sentences or more. They will finish the letter with a brief closing paragraph. Finally, they will sign the letter with their entire name.


Letter requirements (completed while videoing iMovie script):


The letter needs to have an introductory paragraph. This can me just a few sentences to introduce yourself to your recipient. The letter needs to have 3 body paragraphs long with at least 7 sentences per paragraph. You need to add a closing paragraph. This is where you can wish your recipient a Happy New Year. Don’t forget to add your full name at the end. Your letter needs to fit on one page. We can work with the font size to fulfill this requirement.


January 24, 2025 (week 16) 2 weeks
Mail Merge Letter and create Labels:


There is an instructional video on Google Classroom on how to complete these requirements. The completed project, mail merged letter and labels, will be uploaded into Google Classroom and turned in for grading.


February 11, 2025 (week 18)
Computer Science Discover (CSD) - Web Development

Week 1:

1. Please log into your account.

2. Click on the Learning Blade app under 'specials'

3. Add your class code when prompted:
     Room 211 class code: dx3dc9
     Room 212 class code: b665c1
     Room 213 class code: bb5ax4

4. Complete the Intro to Web Developers units.





Unit 2: Complete worksheet independently on Google Classroom


Website Planning Guide


Week 2:


Unit 3: Intro to HTML

Now we will move to the website. You will start with lesson 3

  • HTML - <html></html>

  • Doctype - <!DOCTYPE>

  • Paragraph - <p></p>

  • Body - <body></body>

  • Head - <head></head>


Week 3:


Unit 4: Headings This lesson will introduce to to heading (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6)

  • Heading - <h1></h1>

h1 biggest - <h1></h1>
h2 bigger - <h2></h2>
h3 big - <h3></h3>
h4 medium - <h4></h4>
h5 small - <h5></h5>
h6 smallest - <h6></h6


Unit 5: please skip lesson 5. We have spent a great deal of time on Digital Citizenship and your Digital Footprint. Think back to the NS teens videos in 7th grade.


Week 5:


Unit 6: Lists (unordered lists <ul>, ordered lists <ol> and <li>)

  • Unordered List - <ul></ul>

  • List Item - <li></li>

  • Ordered List - <ol></ol>

Example of unordered list:



Looks like this:

  • Red

  • Green

  • Yellow

  • Purple

Example of ordered list:


Looks like this:

  1. Red

  2. Green

  3. Yellow

  4. Purple

Unit 7: Intellectual Property and Images (<img/>). You must watch the youtube video called 'Creative Commons Video'


In order to tell the browser which file to use, extra information, called an attribute, is added to the image tag inside the brackets. The attribute src stands for source and tells the name of the image, and the attribute alt describes the image.

<img src="dog.jpg" alt= "My Dog"/>


  1. Create an image tag using the abbreviation img. This is considered a self-closing tag, since it doesn't need to wrap text as many other tags do. The / right before the ending > is optional, but helps remind us that this tag doesn't need a closing tag.

  2. The src attribute is short for source. This tells the tag which image to load. In this case, the page will look for an image with the filename dog.jpg in the same directory as the page. Image file names include extensions that tell the computer which type of image they are working with. Common extensions are .jpg, .jpeg, and .png. Make sure to put quotation marks around your image filename.

  3. The alt attribute is short for alternative text. While you won't see this text on your web page, it provides a backup in case your image doesn't download properly or for visually impaired users. In this example, if your browser failed to load the image you would see.

  4. When you come to the 5th section in this lesson

    1. please find the picture of your animal first and download it

    2. rename it as you would like it on your project

    3. you will upload your image

    4. next write your code

    5. click on 'refresh and save'

    6. if you don't see your code, remember you need to click on index.html in the left margin


Unit 8: Clean Code and Debugging

  • Bug - Part of a program that does not work correctly.

  • Comment - A comment is a programmer-readable note in the source code of a computer program.

  • Debugging - Finding and fixing problems in your algorithm or program.

  • Indentation - The placement of text farther to the right, or left, to separate it from surrounding text which helps to convey the program's structure.

  • Whitespace - Whitespace refers to any character that shows up as a blank space on the screen, such as a space, a tab, or a new line. Whitespace helps separate different parts of the document to make it easier to read.

  • Comment - <!-- -->

  • Whitespace,

  • Indentation is the placement of text farther to the right, or left, to separate it from surrounding text. Indentation helps to convey the program's structure. In HTML, elements that are inside other elements are usually indented.

    • Correct:​

    • ​<body>

      • <h1>Here's my list</h1>

      • <ol>

        • <li>Item 1</li>

        • <li>Item 2</li>

      • </ol>

    • </body>

    • Incorrect:​

    • ​<body><h1>Here's my list</h1><ol><li>Item 1</li><li>Item 2</li></ol></body>

    • ​


Unit 9: Project - Multi-Page Websites

  • Hyperlink - A link from a HTML file to another location or file, typically activated by clicking on a highlighted word or image on the screen.

  • Hyperlink - <a></a>

  • Hyperlink Code

    • ​​














Unit 10: Styling Text with CSS

  • Vocabulary

  • CSS - CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS allows each HTML element to be styled according to certain set of rules.

  • CSS Selector - Specifies the part of the code which the style should be applied to.

  • Introduced Code

  • Color - color: value;

  • Text Align - text-align: value;

  • Text Decoration - text-decoration: value;

  • Font Family - font-family:value;

  • Font Size - font-size:value;


CSS Style:

























CSS Rule-sets

CSS rule-sets consist of two main parts: the selector and the rules.



The selectors can be any part of the web page you want to style. One way you can identify parts of the web page is using the names of the element type. Selecting an element type will make all elements of that type have the given styling. The selector name for HTML element types is the name of the tag with the brackets removed. In the below example the selector is h1 and it will style all the h1 elements with the rules inside the curly braces ({ }).



The rules describe how the elements identified by the selector should change. Each rule consists of a property name and a value, separated by a colon (:). The property name describes what the rule is about, such as color or size, and the value how the property should change. For example, the rule-set below will make all the h1 headers on the page have blue text that is underlined.




     text-decoration: underline;



The punctuation in the rule-set is very important, because that's the way the computer knows where each rule starts and stops.


Sample Text Properties:

p {

     color: maroon;

     text-align: center;

     text-decoration: underline;

     font-family: fantasy;

     font-size: 20px;








Unit 11:

Unit 12:

Unit 13:

Unit 14:





Updated: January 27, 2025




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