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Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism Rules from the University of Iowa's College of Liberal Arts in accordance with the signed Guideline on Plagiarism and Cheating from the St. Albert the Great Junior High teachers.


Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work as if it were your own. It can occur intentionally or unintentionally. Intentional plagiarism is cheating; it’s when you deliberately copy another person’s words or ideas without acknowledgment. Examples of this include copying an encyclopedia entry or published essay, downloading a paper off the internet. Keep in mind that your instructors read widely, and have a lot of experience reading student work. Believe us when we tell you that words that are not your own are easy to spot. 


Unintentional plagiarism is by far the most common form, and usually involves improper citation of your reference sources. The best way to avoid this is to learn how to cite your sources correctly. In history classes, you will often find yourself working with the words and ideas of others. Careful note-taking and a clear understanding of the rules for quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing sources, according to a recognized manual of style, will help prevent accidental plagiarism. Proper citation tells your instructors where you got your information, and demonstrates to them that you are not trying to cheat.

USE to cite your work properly and then there will be no questions!!


"Plagiarism and cheating may result in grade reduction and/or other serious penalties. Plagiarism and cheating include, but may not be limited to:


  • presentation of the ideas of others without credit to the source;

  • use of direct quotations without quotation marks and without credit to the source;

  • paraphrasing without credit to the source;

  • participation in a group project which presents plagiarized materials;

  • failure to provide adequate citations for material obtained through electronic research;

  • downloading and submitting work from electronic databases without citation;

  • submitting material created/written by someone else as one's own, including purchased term/research papers;

  • copying from someone else's exam, homework, or laboratory work;

  • allowing someone to copy or submit one's work as his/her own;

  • accepting credit for a group project without doing one's share;


If you are not sure of unclear about whether your work is plagiarized or included plagiarism, it is best to ask before submitting your work.

Plagiarism can and will result in a 'zero'.



"Plagiarism." The University of Iowa. Web. 18 Mar. 2010. <>.


Updated November 9, 2017

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