Stories - Read & Create
Comics Creator
Super Why Reading is power when you play with Super Why! This engaging collection makes reading an adventure by using interactive literacy games that need YOU to play. Grades: Pre-K - 1
The Electric Company media and resources that entertain and engage children ages 5–9 while teaching four crucial areas of literacy that are challenging for struggling readers: Decoding, Vocabulary, Comprehension of Connected Text, and reading Motivation. Here you’ll find full episodes, clips, games and activity sheets to excite even the most reluctant readers. Grades: K - 4
Between the Lions Reading Collection (from PBS) segments selected from Between the Lions, the series that helps kids "Get Wild About Reading!" This special collection provides a set of early Reading/Language Arts resources. Select from Grades pre-K - 12
Open Library is a collection of more than one million free ebook titles. The collection is cataloged by a community of volunteer online librarians. The ebooks in the Open Library can be read online, downloaded to your computer, read on Kindle and other ereader devices, and embedded into other sites. Some of the ebooks, like Treasure Island, can also be listened to through the Open Library.
Wizer video on how to use Wizer to create interactive writing assignments, multiple choice quizzes, and labeling assignments
Fractured Fairy Tales: Use three different fairy tales to re-write into your own story and print out. Simple with no ads.
Little Bird Tales: Create story slideshows using drawing tools, image uploads, or from a preloaded gallery. Add text and record audio to create a self-playing story you can share with others using a unique link. No ads, although there is a limit to the amount of stories you can create. Teachers create a class so students don’t need to register.
Storybird: A beautiful site where users can create online story books using incredible artwork. Teachers create classes so students don’t need to register.
Speakaboos 200+ Interactive Stories and Songs, does have a fee but there is a free trial.
ReadWriteThink Includes lesson plans, summer ideas, and resources
PicLits an excellent site for finding creative writing prompts. PicLits aims to provide inspiration for writing short stories. PicLits tries to reach this goal by providing users with images upon which they can build their writing. To get writers started, PicLits provides a list of words which can be dragged and dropped into sentence form. If you don't want to use or don't need a word list, you can select the "freestyle" option to begin free-form writing.
Comic Creation
Make Beliefs Comix multilingual comic strip creation service that makes it easy to get students started developing comics. Through Make Beliefs Comix students can create comic strips online without needing to register on the site. How to video
Updated November 9, 2017