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Survey, Polls, Name selectors, brainstorming

  • DotStorming  How to video on DotStorming: a neat tool that combines a bit of Padlet with a polling tool. On Dotstorming you can create a space for people to post digital sticky notes. Those notes can contain text and or images. That part of Dotstorming is just like Padlet. What makes Dotstorming different is that once the notes are posted, you can have people vote for their favorite notes.

  • Random Name Picker   A free tool that lets you input names and spin a virtual wheel to have a name randomly selected from the list. After a name is selected you can remove it from the wheel so that it is not selected again.

  • Ice Breaker Tags  a neat service for designing simple yet unique name tags. To use the service just enter your desired display name, upload an image to display on your name tag, and type your ice-breaker question or statement.

  • PollEverywhere: A nice, clean poll without ads. Can be multiple choice, free response, true/false, image, or discourse questions. Participants can use the website or can send by SMS. Limitations on the number of free polls or users without registering. See live results on the screen. Very nice site and simple to use.

  • OneQstn: A simple multiple choice poll option with a clean button-type interface. There are no options to change the look or to have users add their own options. One of the easiest to use and doesn’t use Flash or Java so it works on basically any website including iOS devices and can be embedded almost anywhere. (Note: It asks for name and email information, but you can leave them blank).

  • PollCode: This site provides a few additional functions such as multiple answers, colour, background, and font choices, as well as the ability to leave comments. People can also just view the results without giving an answer. The poll is hosted or can be embedded. One unique feature is the ability to use a dropdown menu instead of radio buttons.

  • Click2Answer: While not the prettiest poll. this site allows for users and administrators to get an email each time someone completes the survey. Participants can also add comments and all the answers and comments are presented in an easy-to-read chart.

  • Hanzo: This site allows some simple design choices as well as single or multiple votes. Results are given in a bar graph in percentage or numbers of votes. You can also set a start and end time for the voting. Easy and use and the poll can be embedded or hosted.

  • Flisti: This site allows for multiple answers and users can leave comments as well. Visitors can view the results without voting. It is hosted and can also be embedded.

  • Poll Junkie: A clean, simple poll that allows for multiple choice, ranking, rating, and free text questions. You can set an expiration date, allow for comments, and download as a CSV.

  • Yarp: A very simple, yes or no type of survey.

  • Tally: Very simple, clean hosted poll creator. Users click on one or more answers and results are shown in the poll itself. Copy URL to share. No place to add text answers, but works on most devices. No ads.

  • Xat: A Flash-based poll creator that creates an embed code for website and blogs. Not many options and isn’t hosted. Can change image background using another site. No ads.

  • Pollmaker: A poll creator with multiple options: multiple answers, type in your own answer, start and stop times, customizable themes, text field, commenting, and location reports. Fairly simple, yet quite robust for a free poll maker. No ads.


Updated November 9, 2017

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