Watch Together
HippoCampus allows educators to make video playlists to delve deeper into subject matter. You can explore almost 6,000 different videos in topics ranging from math to humanities.
CrashCourse videos are hilarious and education at the same time– a difficult feat. The videos on CrashCourse discuss everything from economics to astronomy, philosophy to psychology. Videos average 10 minutes but are packed full of facts.
TogetherTube: Watch a video or listen to an audio recording together with others online in realtime (synchronized). Vote on a YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, or Soundcloud file to watch or listen to. Chat together in a room. Rooms can be made private, although no password option. No ads. Somewhat simple to use.
myCircle.TV: Watch a video or listen to an audio recording together with others online in realtime (synchronized). Find a YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, or Soundcloud file to watch or listen to. Text and audio chat together in a room. Rooms can be made private, although no password option. No ads. Somewhat simple to use.
Gaze: Create a private one-to-one video, text, and audio chat while watching a YouTube or locally hosted video together. Very simple to use. No ads.
Updated November 9, 2017