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Internet Safety Links

Below are links to sites that provide Internet safety information. It is important to review this information with your students so that they have a better understanding of the importance of using caution when exploring multiple sites on the Internet. Take a moment to review some of these safety guidelines with your child. It will be time well spent.

For Students

Hector's World
7 Internet Safety videos for ages 5 - 7. Five videos on Personal information online, 1 on Cyberbullying, and 1 on Computer Security. Alternate link:

Videos on Cyberbullying, digital etiquette, information privacy, and online safety.



Professor Garfield
Learn about Online Safety, CyberBulying, and Fact or Opinion with Professor Garfield. Watch the instructional video first, then try to apply what you've learned. Good for students 1 - 2.


Adventures in Internet Safety by Disney
Disney's Surfswell Island

Disney Online

NetSmartz Internet Safety Workshop

Safe Kids Internet Tips and Tools


NetsmartzKids for Teens


KidsCom Internet Safety Quiz

Choose play for fun

Privacy Playground: The First Adventure of the Three Cyber Pigs
The Cyper Pigs teach students about online advertising techniques and tricks on the net. Ages 7 to 9. The movie has to be downloaded first, then played on the computer.

Cybersense and Nonsense: The Second Adventure of the Three Cyberpigs
This is the sequel to Privacy Playground, for ages 9-11, the three CyberPigs take part in an online chat room.The movie has to be downloaded first, then played on the computer.


Looney Tunes Teaches the Internet
Wonderful site that teaches students all about browsers, downloads, plug-ins, e-mail, chat online,...

Jo Cool or Jo Fool
This interactive online module takes students through a CyberTour of twelve mock Web sites to test their savvy surfing skills. For grades 6-8.


iKeepSafe Kids
Internet Panic game

Island Trees - Internet Safety
Choose from Chat Room and Internet lingo, FBI - A Parent's Guide to Internet Safety, Internet Safety for Students, Kisdcom - Internet Safety Game, or Internet Safety Tips for Elementary Students

Hector's World
Join Hector and his friends on an adventure as they learn the value of their own special personal information and how to protect it online.

Think U Know
Interactive Internet safety for teens; Cyberbullying, Social networking, sexting, mobile, uploading video, gaming, chatroom/IM, pro eating disorders, hacking/viruses

Zoe and Molly
Interactive Internet safety games - 6th grade, Click on Zoe and Molly online activities

Webonauts Internet Academy
Interactive game where students can practice their Internet safety skills and rules, 4th and 5th grade

BadGuys Patrol
Interactive game for either 5 - 7 year olds or 8 - 10 year olds

Digital Literacy and Citizenship
New! Lessons broken down k-12 on 1. Cell phone & Digital Communications; 2. Cyberbullying & Online Relationships; 3. Digital Creations, Plagiarism and Privacy; 4. Family Media Management; 5. Gaming and Online Worlds; 6. Internet Safety; 7. Media's Influence on Kids; 8. Online Privacy & Security; 9. Online Research & Learning; 10. Social Network & Community; 11. Violence in Media




Terrible Text
Cyberbullying, Broken Friendship
Cyberbullying, You can't take it back

Online Gaming

Attitude Overdrive


Survivor Diaries
Julie's Journal
Amy's Choice

PBSKids- Webonauts Academy
Webonauts Internet Academy is more than a game. It’s an opportunity to engage your child in what it means to be a “digital citizen” — someone who respects others on the web and in everyday encounters away from the screen.

For Families and Parents

Internet Safety Cheat Sheets for All Social Media Sites New!
Excellent source for setting your child's preferences on devices. Has sheets for each social media site.

GetNetWise - Online Safety Guide

Parents' Guide to the Internet


Family Guide book to the Internet

Updated December 29, 2017

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